23 January - Year of the Dragon
Dum dum de dum and here the Dragon comes!
A tempest blowing up the gentle slopes of your life during the Rabbit. Whipping up your stagnant plans and deeds, so your only recourse is to climb higher into the mountains.
And in their deep fearful caves lies your destiny. Meander not this year. Feet forward and eyes on the horizon, rise. For as long as you stride with purpose the dragon will carry you on its back. To each of your steps she adds a dozen wingflaps. Head in the wrong direction and by years end you will be in a far worse place.
Now that last sounds wretched indeed but fear not for it only takes a beat of intention and integrity in line with your heart to give the dragon true direction and with it dreams far beyond the conventional ...
As each of us owes god a Death so too each of us owes a Life. Welcome the fresh air in to rejoice from the windswept majesty of the peak you're about to scale.
Much love
Previous years from Doctor Lobster
Wallowing in it
Woof Hey
and thanks to Pashet for the fetching blueness