Thursday, 22 January 2009


Year of the Ox

The rat is abandoning us! At least it does on Monday 26th as that is when the Ox rolls on in under the eerie auspice of an annular eclipse (*see below). The Rat was a year of perseverance and gave reward according to one’s energy output. The Ox also rewards in great abundance but only to harder toil. And this concerns the labour's of life rather than the endeavours of employment.

The Ox is a year to approach all tasks with intent and sincerity. Everything should be considered and everything can be done or at least begun this year. What you set in motion this year will bear you profound fruit in future years but it is things that you yourself set in motion. Things already in motion (started by you or others) will benefit from the broad generosity this year offers as a year of momentum.

So keep it going, this year you’ll find that easier. And if that direction is up then expand the goal at every ridgeline you cross, pausing to admire the view of the road both ahead and behind. If something dips or feels uncomfortable, shift yourself and realign your load. There’s no sense in imbalance in a year this solid.

But be certain to feed the furnace, refill the well, sleep to dream and dream long and deep.

Abandon vanity for it is in the mirror you’ll stumble and fall.

Anyway much love wonderful people

And note that this year coincides with an annular eclipse viewable in the Southern Hemisphere from 08.15 ish South African time for an hour or so if you happen to be in the neighbourhood. Pinhole projection or proper viewing glasses only!!!

Previously on Dr Lobster's blog:
Wallowing In It
Woof Hey